AMP reduces the page load time as it strips down the website code to bare bones, loads the primary content, and ensures that the page loads instantaneously to give the best user experience for searches irrespective of the internet speed of the user. Thus, inevitably improving your visibility on search through the experience offered.  

Milestone CMS gives businesses four AMP options - you choose what’s best for your business:   

1. Desktop = Mobile  

Milestone CMS lets you build an AMP version that replicates the content present on your desktop website using a Responsive Web Design. Whether a visitor views your website from a desktop or mobile, he will not be able to tell the difference. However, with AMP, the performance will be highly optimized for mobile viewing.  

2. 1 Desktop Website + 1 Mobile Website  

You could choose to have two separate website versions - one for desktop users and the other focused on improving the user experience for mobile users.  The mobile website will be built using the AMP framework, ensuring that engagement with your customers is enhanced.   

3. AMP + Mobile  

Since you’d probably first like to test out the benefits of AMP before you give your mobile website a complete AMP facelift, our Milestone CMS will give you the option of converting just a few of your mobile website pages into AMP, while the rest of the pages will be in the normal mobile-friendly version.   

Tip: Choose the pages that are critical that customers visit directly from SERPs (organic traffic) to convert to AMP. Once you are satisfied with the benefits of AMP, we’re sure you’ll vouch to move to the complete AMP version for mobile.   

To get AMP to boost your page speed, contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager.