Facebook Partner Access


  • Business Owner adds Milestone as a “Partner” to their Facebook Business Manager Account  
  • Business owner Adds Milestone as a “Partner” to the Company Brand Page via Business Manager  
  • Milestone Accepts Partner & Page request. 


Follow these steps to add Milestone as a partner to your Facebook Business Account. 

Step 1: Log into Business Manager Via: https://business.facebook.com/ 

Select the menu drop-down from the top left navigation and click ‘Business Settings'.  


Step 2: Under ‘Users’ click on ‘Partners’ in the left-hand menu and then click the Blue ‘Add’ button 


Step 3: Select ‘Give a partner access to your assets and enter the Milestone Agency ID: 10153421504851758 

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated 

Step 4: Click on ‘Assign Partners’ 


Step 5: Enter the milestone Agency ID: 10153421504851758 

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated 

Step 6: Choose the ‘Manage Page’ Access setting at the bottom of pop up 


You have now added Milestone to your Facebook Listing!