Release Feb 9 2024

Discover the highly anticipated release of a new product set to launch on February 9, 2024, as you explore the latest technological innovation and its potential impact on various industries.



Milestone CMS’ Personalization is evolving! Now when a visitor fills up and submits a form on any of your webpages this data is used to provide a highly personalized experience for them. This experience is provided by analyzing the visitor’s interests and on-page behavior. These enhancements can tailor content and user experiences based on individual preferences, behaviors, and characteristics, ultimately enhancing user engagement, satisfaction, and conversion rates.

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Schema Errors and Site Errors Displayed Separately

Path: Milestone Schema Manager > Home > Schema Analysis

Showing schema errors and site errors separately can provide several benefits for website owners, developers, and users:

1. Clarity in Issue Identification: By separating schema errors (related to structured data markup) from general site errors (such as broken links or server issues), it becomes easier to identify and address specific types of issues. This clarity helps in understanding the nature of the problems and prioritizing them accordingly.

2. Focused Problem Resolution: Having distinct categories for different types of errors allows developers to focus their efforts on resolving each type separately. For instance, schema errors might require adjustments to the markup code, while site errors may involve debugging server configurations or fixing broken links. Separating them streamlines the troubleshooting process.

3. Improved SEO Performance: Schema errors can directly impact a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) by affecting how search engines understand and display the content. Separating schema errors from other site errors enables targeted optimization efforts, leading to better search engine optimization (SEO) performance.

4. Enhanced User Experience: Resolving site errors promptly improves user experience by ensuring that visitors encounter fewer issues while navigating the website. Additionally, addressing schema errors can result in richer and more informative search snippets, which can attract more clicks from users.

5. Better Analytics and Reporting: Keeping schema errors separate from site errors allows for more accurate tracking and reporting of issues. This distinction provides website owners with insights into the specific areas where improvements are needed, facilitating data-driven decision-making and optimization strategies.

6. Compliance and Standards Adherence: Many websites need to adhere to specific standards and guidelines, such as those set by search engines or industry regulators. Separating schema errors helps ensure compliance with these standards, as it allows developers to focus on implementing correct markup according to the relevant schema specifications.

7. Training and Education: Separating schema errors and site errors can aid in educational efforts, particularly for developers and website owners who may not be familiar with structured data markup. By clearly delineating these categories, individuals can learn about the importance of structured data and how to implement it correctly.

Milestone Schema Manager now displays your Schema Errors and Site Errors separately.

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