Unable to Paste URL for Asset – Server-side CORS Issue

If you encounter errors while attempting to paste a URL for an asset, the issue might be attributed to a server-side CORS restriction. This occurs when attempting to paste the URL of an asset that is either blocked or protected against hotlinking. This is controlled by the web server from where the asset is hosted.  

Possible Causes: 

  • Blocked Asset: The asset you are trying to link may be blocked by the server, preventing successful URL pasting. 
  • Hotlink Protection: The asset could be safeguarded with hotlink protection, restricting external websites or applications from linking to it directly. 

Troubleshooting Steps: 

  • Check Asset Permissions: Verify the permissions of the asset to ensure it is accessible and not restricted. 
  • Review Hotlink Protection Settings: If applicable, review and adjust the hotlink protection settings for the asset to allow linking from your intended source. 
  • Alternative Linking: Consider using an alternative link or hosting the asset on a platform that allows external linking. 

The best approach to ensuring that assets hosted on your web server are unrestricted is to enable client-side scripting via whitelisting Content Studio from your web server. This can be done by adding https://contentstudio.milestoneinternet.com to the HTTP header of the web server you want to use the asset from. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this on https://www.w3.org/wiki/CORS_Enabled 

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the server-side CORS issue affecting the pasting of URLs for assets. If the problem persists, reach out to your system administrator or support team for further assistance.