Release Nov 20 2023

Learn about the latest feature update to Milestone Schema Manager!

Schema Manager

Schema Warnings

Opportunity: If the structured data is incomplete, incorrect, or not following the standards set by search engines, schema warnings might be generated. These warnings can impact how effectively a website communicates its content to search engines and, consequently, its visibility in search results. Making updates can also provide you with content opportunities.

Solution: Milestone Schema Manager allows you to identify warnings that appear in schema across your web pages and update them. Ensuring your webpages are being discovered and understood by search engines.

Path: Schema Manager Home > Warnings > View > Export

To view the warnings for individual pages, export a list of the pages with warnings to a spreadsheet using the ‘Export’ button.

In the spreadsheet, you can now view Warnings for individual pages in the right column highlighted in blue here.

A screenshot of a computer

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