Local & Authority

The local and authority section displays the domain authority your pages have by displaying referring domain data and backlink data. You can also see your social media performance through in-depth engagement data across social media platforms. 

This section displays your backlink data that are contributing to your domain authority. You can view your backlink data by page, domain, or root domain using the dropdown. 

Depending on the option selected, you will see corresponding data under the following two widgets:

Backlinks needing to win

This displays your total link count and domain authority: 

As well as a comparison against your direct competition for you to win: 

Referring Domains 

For the selected business, you will see the referring domains. Here you can see the root domain, page URL, number of links, anchor text, and domain authority of each root domain. 


To access your social data, click on 'social' under 'Local & Authority' and select a profile.

Here you can view your social performance across top channels - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. 

View your traffic for the week/month across all sources. Select a channel on the tile to view its performance on the graph. 

You can also view your page shares across social media platforms. 

Similarly for the business selected, view the website shares across social media platforms against your competition. 

View your off-page data against your competition across channels. 

Your OG Tags or social meta tags. 

And your social media engagement across channels against your competition. Click on a tile to view data for that particular channel.