Search Bar & Filters

Once you click on ‘Start Tagging’ you will be redirected to the ‘Tag Schema’ section.
In the ‘Tag Schema’ page you will be able to manage the schemas for your URLs
The search field on the top left of the screen allows you to enter a portion of the URL you are looking for
To the right of the screen you can see the filters menu, click on the button to view your result filter options

You can use the filters to find results based on schema status, URLs with and without schema, schema types and validation errors

The 'Status' dropdown menu allows you to filter URLs based on the status of the schema deployment. You can filter URLs that have schemas in 

Drafts: URLs that have schema added but not published

New: URLs that do not have schema deployed

Published Schemas: All published schemas

Pending Publishing: Validated schemas that have not yet been published

Structure Mismatch: URLs that have conflicting schemas deployed

You can filter various types of URLs using the URL dropdown menu. 

With Schema: URLs that have schema deployed and published

Without Schema: URLs that do not have schema published

Declaring Global Schema: URLs that have been used to declare Global Schemas

Containing Global Schema: URLs that do not declare Global Schema but are referring to Global Schema declared by other URLs

Filter through the various schemas deployed across URLs with the 'Schema Type' dropdown menu.

You can also filter results by the validation errors that occurred during schema deployment, using the 'Validation' dropdown menu. 

Errors: URLs that have schema errors

Warnings: URLs that have

No Errors & Warnings: The URL is working fine and does not have any errors or warnings

Non-schema Errors: The URL does not contain any schema errors but does have page errors

Choose the web page you wish to add schemas to by clicking on ‘+’ under the ‘Actions‘ column.