1. What are the prerequisites for the Digital Performance Report to display data?

GA tracking and GA source configuration in MPC is required for the data to be displayed in the Digital Performance Report. 

2. What are the data sources for the Digital Performance Report?

All conversions data (revenue, website leads, hard conversions) has been taken from Google Analytics. Except for Paid Media Performance section where conversions come from the paid channels. This has been done to align this section with the detailed Paid Media PDF Reports. Non-conversions metrics are taken from individual sources such as GSC, GMB, Yelp, Bing, etc. 

3. For which businesses will Revenue Data be displayed?

Revenue will be shown for clients with Google Analytics eCommerce setup (i.e., Hospitality, non-brand clients). Hard conversions will be shown instead of Revenue for all other clients or those who do not have GA eCommerce setup.

4. When will the last month's data be fully available or displayed for all sections in the report?

The last month's data will be available by the 5th of every month. It is recommended to schedule the report to be generated on the 5th of every month or later.

5. Who adds the executive summary that is displayed in the report?

Your dedicated Customer Success Manager will add the executive summary on MPC Analytics which will then be displayed on the Digital Performance Report. 

6. Who adds the annotations that are displayed in the report as comments?

The respective COE members will add the annotations and you will see only those that are marked as 'public'. 

7. When should the Digital Performance Report be used ideally?

You can use the report to review your monthly performance. The report can also be used to gather insights for your respective Quarterly Business Review.

8. Can I export the report for any dates I select on the MPC Dashboard when viewing the preview of the report?

No. The report is designed to be a Monthly performance report. It can be viewed as a UI preview for any date range, but when generated as a pdf (one-time or recurring), it will always report on the previous month. For example, if it is set up to be delivered on the 5th of every month, then the report delivered on the 5th of June will have data of May, and the report delivered on the 5th of July will have data for June.   

9. What is the source of the revenue data on the Digital Performance Report?

Revenue data in the report is fetched from Google Analytics eCommerce data.

10. Is the Booking Engine revenue data captured in the Digital Performance Report?

No. Even though the old RoI report had this uploaded revenue data, the Digital Performance Report does not show it. If you need the reporting on uploaded revenue data, you will find it in the Channel Contribution report. 

11. Can this report capture data across multiple locations?

No, it is not aggregated to capture data across multiple profiles. It captures data for the one profile for which it is set up. 

12. What if I have a main location profile plus a wedding, meeting, golf, and spa module profile? Can the report be set up for all profiles?

No. You should set up the report only for the main location profile. Do not set up the report for modules. 

For Example:

13. I have a main/corporate profile and other individual locations set up as profiles under the same business in MPC. Where should I set up the Digital Performance report?

You can set up the reports for the main/corporate profile and also the unique individual location profiles. But do not set up the report for the meeting/wedding/language profiles.

For Example:


14. When can the executive summary be added to the Analytics MPC dashboard?

The Executive Summary can be added anytime for the previous month. That said, if you're adding the current month's executive summary you will have to wait till the 1st of the next month.

15. There is a monthly and quarterly executive summary. Which one will be included in the report?

Since then Digital Performance report captures the monthly data of the business profile, only the monthly executive summary will be added.