Source Configuration

In order to sync data between MPC and a social platform the source has to be connected, and this is done on the source configuration tab.  

On this page, users can see a list of data sources enabled for all the profiles of the business (On the ‘Sources’ option under the ‘Settings’ tab) and connected via authentication token or credentials along with the connection status, whether it is valid, invalid, missing, and the total connections for each source.  

Valid: The connection is accurate and genuine

Invalid: The source connection is invalid

Missing: The connection between the source and MPC is missing User can also see more details about the status of the connection of each source on profile level.  

Total: Total number of connections made to the business profiles.  

You can also enable new data sources for the business and connect them via token or credentials for each profile and disconnect the data source on profile level. Let’s show you how to do this.  

To add a source via connections or credentials, click on the ‘+’ button.  

Using the search bar, you can search for a source and choose whether you wish to connect the source via connections or credentials using the credentials drop-down. By choosing either ‘Connections’ or ‘Credentials’ you will see which sources can be connected with either option. 

Via Connections: 

You will see sources that can be connected by ‘Connections’. Choose the source and click on ‘Apply’. 

You will be redirected to the login page of the source. Enter the credentials to establish the connection. 

Via Credentials:

Select ‘Credentials’ from the drop-down to view the sources that can be connected using ‘Credentials’. Choose the source and click on ‘Apply.  

Add the credentials and the verification details and click on ‘Save’ to establish the source configuration.