Milestone Schema Manager Connector: Configuration

Learn how to efficiently configure the Milestone Schema Manager Connector for seamless integration in your workflow.

Once you have installed the Milestone Schema Manager Connector for AEM, these steps will help you configure it for the AEM environment.

Step 1: The Schema Loader script should be placed the in the AEM website on which the Milestone Schema Manager Connector has been installed.

Schema Loader Script:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">msSchemaLoader();</script>

Step 2: Ensure proper authentication is carried out to insert schema only to the target websites. Add a website title and the website URL here.

Step 3: Enable Milestone Schema Manager Connector for the website.

Step 4: To enable click on the site you want to go to properties and go to cloud services and enable.

Step 5: Once connected, you can use the SSO login into Milestone Presence Cloud to access profiles and tag schema.