How-to FAQs

You can now answer How-to type of FAQs in a step-by-step format

The FAQ Manager now allows you to answer ‘How To’ questions in a clear, step-by-step format and improve relevancy for ‘How To’ queries.  The ‘How To’ schema is applied to all ‘How To’ type FAQs making it easier for indexing. 

MPC > FAQ/Voice > Q&A  

On the right side of the screen click on the ‘+’ icon to add a new Q&A  

Select ‘How To’ from the question type at the top of the Add FAQ page  

Fill in the fields for the question, answer, and steps  

Note: The question provided should be a “How to” type of question. The answer will be displayed in a step-by-step fashion.  

You can add steps with the ‘Add Step’ button on the bottom right  

Select a category for the FAQ from the Category dropdown menu  

A preview of the format will be displayed on the right. You can view the preview and click on the Save button on the top right.  

You will see the ‘saved’ How-to type FAQ on the Q&A screen. Click on the ‘publish’ button.  

Choose the source where you wish to publish the how-to FAQ, select the URL, and click on ‘Publish’. If you wish to make any changes to the FAQ you can click on the ‘edit’ button.