Viewing Profiles

How to use filters to view data of selected profile(s) out of all profiles in your business

If you have 213 profiles (or locations) under your business but you only wish to look at the performance of a subset – say 5 profiles, how do you do that? The filters available on the Presence Cloud offer an easy way to do so.

First, go to the dashboard filter and click on the business name:

This will open a drop-down list showing all the profiles available.

Deselect the checkbox against All Profiles. This will remove the default selection of all profiles:

To select a profile or a set of profiles, you can type the starting characters of the profile name:

Alternatively, you can search using the names of city/state or alias too.


Select the profiles whose performance you wish to view and click on Apply:

The dashboard shall get refreshed with the details of the selected profiles:

The filter once applied shall reflect across various tabs as you navigate through the platform. So, if you click on the Reviews tab, you shall see the Reviews dashboard for the two profiles only: