AI Content Studio Overview


Creating Content

Upon logging in, the Dashboard will allow you to create content right off the bat. AI Content Studio has 20 templates to choose from depending on the type of content you want to create.

To start creating content you can add a prompt in the dialogue box at the top of the Dashboard and click on ‘Create’.

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Click on ‘Get Started’ over the template you would like to use.

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Add the topic of you article, the keywords to be targeted in the article, you can choose to add a content brief to give AI Content Studio more clarity while generating content. You can use the prompt guide to give you ideas on how to prompt AI Content Studio optimally to create the content you want.

You can click on the ‘Advanced Settings’ option at the bottom left. Here you can select the output language, the tone of the content, the audience demographics and the interests and personas.

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You can create an outline of the article which will show all the sections and sub-sections of the article.

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Article Outline

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You can choose to generate the content by clicking on ‘Generate’ at the bottom.

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Generated Article

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AI Content Studio Editor

The AI Content Studio editor helps you optimize your content for search by providing recommendations in the right column. 

SEO Checklist

The SEO Checklist displays ‘Opportunities’ and ‘Recommendations’ that can help improve the visibility of your content on search.


The Details section lets you add more details to your content that will help it perform better on search. Here you can add things like feature images, alt tag, excerpt summary, URL slug, meta title, meta description, author name, and author bio link.


The categories section lets you add the content to a particular category to make navigating your website easier. Select the categories to which you wish to add the content for future reference.

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Adding tags to the content helps users find the article or content piece easily on-site search.

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The Translations section shows the number of language translations present for the content created.

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You can choose to add a translation for the content by clicking on ‘Add’ at the top right of this section. 

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Select the languages you want the content translated to using the checkboxes and click on ‘Translate Now’.

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Click on the language to view the translated content.

Readability Analysis

Click on ‘Readability Analysis’ at the top right of the screen to analyze the overall readability of the article. The readability score is calculated on the basis of three factors;

  • Human Vs AI Detection: Content needs to finally be read by a human so it is important to ensure your content is relatable to people. The ‘Human Vs AI Detection’ allows you to quickly analyze the content and humanize it for a better reading experience. Use the ‘How to Humanize’ guide to make content more relatable.

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  • Original vs Plagiarism: The article is analyzed for plagiarism, search engines prioritize unique and original content and in some cases even penalize websites for plagiarism resulting in lower rankings.

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  • Ease of Reading: The clarity of language, the conciseness of sentences, consistency of tone, precision, etc. are analyzed to ensure readers don’t have a hard time reading it is analyzed in the ‘Ease of Reading’ section.

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Proceed to Publish

Once you have completed the readability analysis click on ‘Proceed to Publish’ once you are ready to publish it.

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Any changes to the text content of the original article can be updated in the translated articles as well. To update the translated articles click on Sync & Publish.

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If you do not wish to sync the changes and keep the translated articles unedited click on ‘Publish without Syncing’.

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AI Content Studio will publish the article and it’s translations to separate language pages. Confirm the URLs and click on ‘Publish’.

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Once the content has been published you can choose to ‘View’ the content on the page or ‘Manage’ the published pages.

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Clicking on ‘View’ will navigate you to the original language page.

Clicking on ‘Manage’ will navigate you to the ‘My Content’ section of AI Content Studio.

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