Bulk Upload Categories

Learn how to upload multiple categories across channels for your business.

Follow these steps to bulk upload business categories.

Step 1: Agency-level permissions are required to carry out these actions.

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Step 2: Click on ‘Bulk Upload/Download Business Category’.

A screenshot of a computer

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Step 3: Download the categories spreadsheet for the relevant business.

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Step 4: The Data source in Column C in tab “Category mapping” should have the following mandatory sources. This information is case-sensitive.

  • Apple  
  • Bing  
  • Uberall  
  • Google My Business  
  • Next Door  
  • Facebook  

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Step 5: The “Category ID” (column C) in “Master Category List” tab should match with “Datasource ID’ in “Category mapping” tab. This should be an exact match and case-sensitive.

Data source ID in category mapping 

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Step 6: The combination of category (Column B) and data source (Column C) in the “Category Mapping” tab should exist in “Master Category List” as Data Source (column A) and Category (column B).

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceData Source (Column A) and Category (Column B) in Master Category List

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