Component Definitions

Header with No Text

Description: A full-width background image at the top of interior pages, typically setting the visual theme for the page.

Use case: The Header with No Text component is added at the top of the page, usually above the navigation for a clean aesthetic.

Intro text

Description: Positioned near the top, presenting an introductory summary centered on the page.

Use Case: Directly below the header; serves as an opening paragraph.

Zig Zag Feature Box

Description: An alternating left-right design, each block presenting a feature with a brief description.

Use Case: Scattered throughout the page, often between sections to create visual flow.

Zig Zag Feature Box with Listing

Description: A zig-zag layout containing list-based descriptions, ideal for presenting multiple features or details in sequence.

Use Case: Within the main content area, usually a bit lower in the hierarchy.

2-Col Feature Boxes

Description: A two-column layout displaying two distinct features side-by-side, typically mid-page to present dual highlights.

Use Case: Used to display dual features side-by-side, often near the top or midsection.

3-Col Feature Boxes

Description: A three-column layout, often used mid-page, to showcase multiple features or services, providing a broad overview.

Use Case: Frequently placed in the main content or as a highlights section.

Multi-Image Slider with Content

Description: An interactive gallery with multiple images and overlaid content, used to tell a story visually with text descriptions.

Use Case: Top of the page or within the hero section, giving users a first impression.

Multi-Image Slider

Description: A full-width image carousel with no additional text, ideal for showcasing multiple visuals.

Use Case: Hero section or at key breaks between sections.

Call to Action

Description: A prompt or button encouraging users to take a specific action, such as "Book Now" or "Contact Us," strategically placed to drive conversions.

Use Case: Spread throughout, often at the end of sections or at the bottom of the page.

Zig Zag Feature Box with Gallery

Description: Alternating layout featuring a gallery, typically used to present visually rich content with supporting text.

Use Case: Mid to bottom sections, enhancing visual storytelling.

Image Box

Description: A simple image section that may appear with or without accompanying text, used to break up content or add visual interest.

Use Case: Throughout the content, often adjacent to text or in feature sections.

Fluid Image Box

Description: A full-width image section with overlay text, creating an immersive effect and enhancing visual storytelling.

Use Case: Typically in headers or hero sections, creating an immersive entry.

Reviews Slider

Description: A carousel displaying user reviews or testimonials, typically placed mid-to-lower on the page to build social proof and credibility.

Use Case: Mid to bottom of the page to build credibility.

History Timeline

Description: A visual timeline section showing significant milestones, often within an "About Us" section, providing a story of progression.

Use Case: Mid to lower sections, often in 'About Us' or history sections.

Icon & Text

Description: Icons paired with brief text descriptions, visually breaking up content and highlighting features or benefits.

Use Case: Spread across the page to break up content with visual highlights.

Horizontal Tabs with Feature Box

Description: Horizontal tabs that allow navigation between sections without refreshing the page, making content accessible and user-friendly.

Use Case: Often in the main content area for structured details.

UNAP with Map

Description: A footer or contact section displaying contact information (UNAP - URL, Name, Address, Phone) with an embedded map for location reference.

Use Case: Bottom of the page or in the footer, showing location information.


Description: A form section to gather user information, typically for contact purposes, located near contact information or in the footer.

Use Case: Bottom or in dedicated call-to-action sections, especially for lead generation.

Vertical Tabs

Description: Vertically aligned tabs that make navigating between topics or features easier without reloading the page.

Use Case: Mid-page to allow easy navigation between topics.

Accordian 1

Description: A collapsible content section used to show or hide related content, often used in FAQs for easy access.

Use Case: Frequently in FAQ or information-dense sections.

Accordian 2

Description: Similar to Accordion 1 but with added call-to-action buttons, inviting users to engage further with the content.

Use Case: Frequently in FAQ or information-dense sections where users can use a CTA to perform an action.

List Repeaters

Description: Repeated visual and text-based lists, often used to showcase features or options in a uniform format.

Use Case: Scattered as highlights, often to list features, benefits, or key items.

Feature Box with Accordian

Description: An accordion-style section within a feature box, including images and content, allowing expandable details for each feature.

Use Case: Typically for product features or details, often mid-page.

Number Highlights

Description: A section emphasizing key numbers or statistics, often used to showcase growth, achievements, or unique selling points.

Use Case: Top or mid-sections as attention-grabbers for statistics.

Venue Chart

Description: A detailed table presenting venue specifications and capacities, typically used in event or meeting spaces sections.

Please note: This is a 2-dimensional table structure, which is currently not possible in CMS without the help of Relationship.

Use Case: Mid to lower sections, relevant in venue or event pages.

Feature Boxes with Slider

Description: Feature boxes displayed within a slider, providing interactive viewing for multiple items or content highlights.

Use Case: Mid to lower sections, especially in a portfolio or showcase area.

Header with Text

Description: A prominent header section with text, used as an attention-grabbing opening element.

Use Case: Top, serving as a section opener.

Zig Zag Feature Box with Features

Description: An alternating layout with multiple features listed, creating visual flow while presenting content.

Use Case: Within the main content area for variety.


Description: The top section of the page, often containing the logo, navigation links, and call-to-action buttons for quick access.

Use Case: Top of the page, central and prominent.


Description: The bottom of the page containing essential contact information (UNAP), links, newsletter sign-up, and copyright details.

Use Case: Bottom of the page, containing essential links and information.

Zig Zag Feature Box with Venue Info

Description: Alternating layout sections specifically providing venue information, useful for event or space details.

Use Case: Often mid to lower, near event or venue details.

Feature Box Large Heading

Description: A feature box with a bold H2 heading and a call-to-action button, emphasizing a key section or content area.

Use Case: Frequently at the start of a section to introduce a major feature.