SEO Checklist

In this article, we’ll describe the 14 elements you need to take care of to achieve a score of 100% in the SEO checklist of Milestone AI Content Studio.

1.      Word Count in Body

Ensure the body of this article has a minimum of 500 words. This is because content tends to be more informative, allows for better keyword optimization, attracts backlinks, and improves user engagement or time spent on a web page.

Inserting outbound links helps improve the article's credibility and authority. These links connect your content to reputable sources. Outbound links can encourage reciprocal linking which can indirectly boost your own website's SEO by building relationships with other sites in your industry or niche.

3.      Meta Description Length 

Ensure that your Meta description contains a maximum of 160 characters. A concise meta-description is crucial as it appears in search results and influences click-through rates, indirectly benefiting your search engine rankings by indicating your content's relevance and user engagement.

4.      Meta Title Length 

A meta title with a max of 65 characters is crucial for SEO as it serves as the clickable headline in search results, requiring conciseness, relevant keywords, and clarity to enhance click-through rates and search engine comprehension.

5.      Inserting 2 Images 

Adding 2 images to a 500-word article enhances user engagement by making the content visually appealing, reducing bounce rates, and signaling to search engines that the content is valuable and relevant.

6.      Use Alt Tags

Ensure all images in this article have an alt-tag. Alt-tags for images in an article are crucial for SEO because they provide textual descriptions to search engines, aiding in content comprehension and accessibility while also improving the potential for image-based search traffic.

7.      Use the key phrase in the URL

Including the focus key phrase in the URL is vital because it signals the page's content and relevance to search engines, enhancing its ranking potential and overall, SEO effectiveness.

8.      Use the key phrase in Meta Description

Including the key phrase in the meta description is vital for SEO as it boosts click-through rates by highlighting page relevance to users, ultimately impacting search ranking positively.

9.      Use the key phrase in the Meta Title

Using the key phrase in the meta title is essential for SEO because it clearly communicates the page's content to both search engines and users, boosting click-through rates and search rankings by aligning with user intent and search algorithms.

10.  Key phrase in Post Body

Including the key phrase in the post body is vital for SEO as it reinforces topic relevance, aiding search engines in understanding and ranking the content better, ultimately boosting its visibility in search results. 

11.  Key phrase in the Sub-Header

Ensure your key phrase is present in at least 1 sub-header. Using the key phrase in sub-headers is important for SEO as it clarifies the content structure and signals relevance to users and search engines, enhancing readability and ranking potential in search results.

12.  Insert 2 Sub-Headers 

Incorporating subheaders in an article is crucial for SEO as it enhances content structure and readability, aiding both users and search engines in understanding the article's topics and improving its indexing and ranking in search results.

13.  Use the Key phrase in the Title

Incorporating the key phrase in the post title is crucial for SEO, as it signals the content's relevance to both search engines and users, leading to higher click-through rates, improved search rankings, and increased discoverability and appeal for your page.

14.  Set a Focus keyphrase

Setting a focus key phrase is vital for SEO because it clarifies your content's primary topic to search engines, enhancing its potential to rank higher in relevant search results and attract organic traffic effectively.