Dashboard Overview

Accessing FAQ Manager

As soon as you login into MPC, click on the 'FAQ Manager' tab to access it.

On the main dashboard, you can choose the business locations as well as the date range you wish to view relevant FAQs and the FAQ Summary. 

Filtering FAQs by Profile & Date Range

Click on the Business name dropdown and you will see the list of locations of your business. Choose ‘All’ if you want to see Q&A for all business locations, or select a certain location you wish to view Q&As. Click on ‘Apply to make the change. 

Next, you can choose a location based on Country, State, and City using the drop-down button. 


After this, you can view Q&As for a certain date range 

The top widget ‘FAQs’ will display the summary of FAQs – basically the count of all unique FAQs (barring those that are ignored or deleted) for the date range selected and the count of FAQs published on various data sources (Website, Google My Business, Google Assistant). 

You will also see the total number of Questions and those that have been answered by clicking on each source.

On the following widget, you will see all Q&As that have been crowdsourced, added, or published for the date range selected.

Now, let’s get into what all actions you can carry out on this screen. 

Using Q&A filters: 

To start with, click on the ‘filter’ button. As soon you do that, the option to choose a Source, Publish Channel, Status and Category filters will pop up. 

Click on the drop-down for ‘Source’ and choose a particular source you wish it to view Q&As from. Click on ‘Apply’ to view Q&As from the selected source. 

Similarly, click on the 'Publish Channel' drop-down to filter FAQ that have been published to a particular channel. 

Now click on 'Status', and view Q&As based on parameters such as All, New, Published, Sent to Publish, Draft, and Ignore. By choosing and clicking on ‘Apply’ on a certain parameter or Q&A status, only the Q&As that fall under it will be displayed. 

Lastly, click on the 'Category' drop-down to view Q&As within a category and click on 'Apply'


Managing Categories:

Using the ‘Manage Category’ button, you can edit the category of the Q&A or add a new category. 

Once you have clicked on ‘Manage Category’,

You can choose to add by entering the ‘Category Name’ and clicking on the tick mark. To edit a category name, click on the edit button beside the category.

If you choose to edit an existing category, the FAQs under the edited category will be republished under the new category

Viewing the source of the FAQ and where it has been published

On the top left and right of every question, you will see the source from where the FAQ was added and where it was published. 

On the top left is the source from where the FAQ was added, and on the far right top, you will see the source to which the FAQ was published. 

Now, to create a custom question and answer and publish them to sources of your choice, click on the ‘Add Button’ next to the filter button.

Enter your Q&A. If you wish to have formatting options for your FAQ, turn on ‘stylized text or image’. You can now use basic text formatting options as well as insert links and images.

To add more FAQs click on ‘Add FAQ’. If you’re happy with what you see as a preview and wish to save the FAQ[s], click on ‘Save’.

Editing & Deleting Existing FAQs

Edit or delete the Q&A using the three-dot menu to the top right of a particular FAQ. 

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