Setting Up

Welcome to Milestone Presence Cloud. In this video, we'll show you how to log in to your account and get started. 

The first time you enter the Schema Manager you will be greeted by the first-time user journey which will take place in 4 easy steps.

Step 1: Setup a New Crawl

Step 2:  Crawl & Analyse Pages

Step 3: Tag Schemas

Step 4: Connect GSC

Step 1: Setup a New Crawl 

While setting up a fresh crawl you will have the option to either crawl all your URLs or Upload Specific URLs for crawling.

Discover All URLs 

Click on the ‘Discover All URLs’ to crawl all your active web pages.

Upload Specific URLs

You can also upload a list of the URLs you want to crawl for structured data by clicking on ‘Upload Specific URLs’

Once you click on the ‘Upload Specific URLs’ button and upload screen will appear. Click on ‘Download Template’ and enter the URLs in the spreadsheet.

Add the URLs to the spreadsheet and save the file 

Click on ‘Choose File’

Upload the saved file to the Schema Manager

Click on ‘Start Crawl’ to discover the structured data on your web pages

Depending on the number of URLs, the crawl can take up to 24 hours to complete

Step 2: Crawl & Analyse  

Once the crawl is complete you can analyze the pages that require your attention

Schema Completeness

  • Total URLs: The number of URLs crawled 
  • URLs with Schema: URLs that have structured data 
  • URLs without Schema: URLs that do not have structured data 

What actions do I need to focus on? 

  • Errors: The number of pages that have run into an error while publishing schema 
  • Warnings: Pages that have Schema validation warnings 

This section also displays URLs that have unique schema deployed. This is shown in the ‘Unique Schema’ section.

Step 3: Start Tagging and Publish Schema    

Once you are ready to start deploying schema across your pages click on ‘Go To Tag Schema’ 

Click on the ‘Start Tagging’ button under ‘Tag Schemas’

In the ‘Tag Schema’ page you will be able to manage the schemas for your URLs 

The search field on the top left of the screen allows you to enter a portion of the URL you are looking for

To the right of the screen you can see the filters menu, click on the button to view your result filter options

You can use the filters to find results based on schema status, URLs with and without schema, schema types and validation errors

Choose the web page you wish to add schemas to by clicking on ‘+’ under the ‘Actions‘ column

Step 4: Connect to GSC 

Click on the ‘Connect to GSC’ button under ‘Measure Performance’ 

To learn more about Schema Tagging click here.