Potential Cost Savings

Path: MPC Dashboard > Schema > Performance Summary > Search Performance 

The Potential Cost Savings Report displays the savings of your business just by implementing the right schemas on your webpage versus what you would have to spend for a paid campaign to achieve the same number of clicks and impressions on search.


The Potential Cost Savings Report automatically displays data of the period selected against the same period the previous year.  The widget displays the potential cost savings along with the total number of impressions and clicks for the period selected.  


You will also see the queries on search with the total number of clicks, impressions, cost per click (CPC), and the Potential Cost Savings.  



The Potential Cost Savings is calculated based on:

i. Incremental click value of an existing/ new keyword. (This represents your potential click gain due to schema deployed)                                                                                                                              


Clicks in March 2020  

Clicks in March 2021  

Incremental Click Value 

 Green Earth 




Mother Earth* 




                   *New Keyword

ii. Latest Cost per Click (CPC) value of that keyword. (This is what you would have paid for each click of these keywords if this were a paid campaign) 

  • Keyword 

    Latest CPC  

    Green Earth 


    Mother Earth 


iii. Deriving incremental savings for that keyword using Incremental Click Value and CPC (This is what you potentially end up saving for each keyword for all the clicks that you gained due to schemas during the period)

  • Keyword 

    Latest CPC 

    Incremental Click Value March 2021  

    Incremental Savings  

    (A * B) 

    Green Earth 




    Mother Earth 




iv. Summing up the incremental savings for all the keywords to get the overall Potential cost savings. (Finally, your overall potential cost savings across all eligible keywords – existing or new) 

  • Keyword 

    Latest CPC 

    Incremental Click Value March 2021  

    Incremental Savings  

    (A * B) 

    Green Earth 




    Mother Earth 




                        Overall Potential Cost Savings 




The potential cost savings report can be derived only for pre-defined date ranges at this point. 

This report is generated based on the last average cost-per-click (Avg. CPC) values as available from Google AdWords up to a week prior to the report generation date.