Chatbot Dashboard

The Chatbot settings screen allows you to customize the messaging and quick links within your chatbot easily as well as view your chatbot interactions. 

MPC Dashboard > FAQ/Voice >  Chatbot 

Dashboard Overview

 Click on any KPI to view the chatbot log. For example. click on the 'Conversations' tile to view conversations with the chatbot. 

Chatbot Settings

Next, Click on the ‘Settings’ button at the top right of the screen. 


In the settings section, you will be able to update the Welcome Message, Quick Links, and the Form Submission Message

You can also copy the chatbot URL for testing and implementation

Click on 'Save' once you've made any chatbot setting changes.   

Export Chatbot Conversations

Click on ‘Export’ to the right of the screen and select ‘Excel’


The spreadsheet will display the date, time, the customer question, and the chatbot’s response