Milestone Schema Manager Connector: Installation
Please note that the Milestone Schema Manager Connector will need to be installed by the AEM System Administrator.
Step 1: To start installing the Milestone Schema Manager Connector go to the ‘Navigation’ section.
Step 2: In the left navigation panel select ‘Deployment’ and then select ‘Packages’.
Step 3: Download the Milestone Schema Manger Connector package.
Step 4: In the Package Manager section of AEM upload the Milestone Schema Manager Connector package.
Step 5: Click Browse to locate the package file on your local system.
Step 6: Select the Milestone Schema Manager Connector and click on ‘Open’.
Step 7: Click on ‘Upload’ to upload the Milestone Schema Manager Connector package.
After a successful upload, you will be able to see the package.
Step 8: Install the Milestone Schema Manager Connector package. Click on the Install button next to the package.
Step 9: Confirm the installation by clicking Install in the confirmation dialog.

Step 10: Check the status message after installation for success or failure notifications.
Step 11: The Milestone Schema Manager Connector will appear in the ‘Cloud Services’ section of AEM.