Why monthly sessions and users’ data in Milestone Analytics may not exactly match with GA4?

Learn why GA4 and Milestone Analytics data does not match for monthly sessions and users

Why monthly sessions and users’ data in Milestone Analytics may not exactly match with GA4?

In GA4, the summation of daily data does not match with aggregated monthly data. This can be due to the following reasons:

  • A session that spans midnight is considered a single session, though it is counted for both days.
  • Sessions in GA 4 are based on estimations. Google uses algorithms such as HyperLogLog++ to optimize data processing for large volumes of data. 

Milestone Analytics data is pulled for each day and added when displaying for a month.

It will match with the data summed for each day in GA4.

Milestone Analytics Sessions = Day 1+ Day 2 + Day 3………………+ Day 30  

Should match with

GA 4 Sessions = Day 1+ Day 2 + Day 3………………+ Day 30

Please refer to the table with GA4 data for illustration.

Day Sessions Total users
Aggregated Data 27618  20353
1 2562 2210
2 2038 1769
3 2024 1721
4 1966 1672
5 1933 1627
6 1899 1671
7 1877 1618
8 1853 1562
9 1837 1543
10 1832 1567
11 1750 1485
12 1713 1434
13 1646 1430
14 1622 1360
15 1621 1380
Total (Sum of daily data) 28173 24049

Refer to the article from Google support on how sessions are calculated.