Lodging Amenities

You can now add Lodging Amenities to your profile and improve visibility on relevant searches

You can now update ‘Lodging Amenities’ on Milestone Local. By doing so, you are adding details about your hotel which will better the search engine’s understanding of what your hotel is offering customers and help it match relevant queries online. In addition, adding amenities enriches the customer experience and helps them decide to choose your hotel over another.  

Please note: The ‘Lodging Amenities’ feature is only available for Hotel, Motel, and Resort business categories.   

Local > Locations > Profile Summary  

On the right side of the Profile Summary screen, you will find “Lodging Amenities”. You can click on the “Edit” button to add or remove amenities  

The “Lodging Amenities” section will require a few basic details like Build Year, Last Renovated Year, Number of Rooms, Number of Floors  

The amenities being offered can be selected below the property details under various sub-categories of amenities  

After selecting the amenities being offered, click on Apply to update the information for that business profile. 

The amenities you add will be displayed under the ‘Hotel details’ tab on Google  

You can view all the amenities from the ‘About this hotel’ tab