What are SERP features?

SERP (Search Engine Result Page) features are basically any result that can be found on Google Search Engine. They can be in the form of rich snippets, images, paid Ads, features snippets, Knowledge graph, Answer Box, People Also Ask section, etc. 

There are a number of SERP features that your website should have in order to rank high on Google Search Engine, but the important ones are listed as follows: 

  • Mini Sitelinks

  • Image Pack Results

  • Local Pack

  • Authorship Details

  • People Also Ask

  • Local 3 Pack

  • Video Pack Results

  • Menu Box

  • AMP Result

  • Answer Box

  • Maps

  • Images

  • Video

  • Shopping

  • Micro Format

  • Thumbnail

  • Mobile Friendly

Milestone Insights will automatically track if any of the monitored keywords are seen or viewed (search impressions) as a SERP feature.