What is FAQ Manager? How does it work?

Milestone FAQ Manager is a platform for implementing and managing “Frequently Asked Questions” across multiple sources and multiple profiles. The FAQ Management platform and voice module fetches FAQ content from multiple sources and allows the distribution of the verified content to multiple sources with built-in workflow management tools. The content is saved centrally under the business and profile[s] and can be easily updated, published, or deleted, as per the discretion of the user. 

The FAQ Manager basically fetches FAQ content from the website FAQs, Google My Business, unanswered chatbot queries, or from other search listening and analytics and stored it in Q&A library. The user can curate the questions that have been fetched and either click to publish, edit, delete or ignore. Once published the content will be reflected on the sources chosen. For voice actions, on clicking publish the content will be sent via Dialogflow (internal tool) and will be published in a matter of minutes, till published, the status will be marked as ‘sent to publish’.