Apple Keywords Bulk

Update messages, multiple categories of phone numbers, and keywords for Apple across multiple business locations using the Bulk Upload/Download feature. 

Settings > Bulk Upload/Download 

Step 1: From the MPC dashboard click on the ‘Settings’ icon to the top right of the screen.


Step 2: Click on the three-dot menu to the top left of the screen


Step 3: Click on the bulk upload/download option 


Step 4: Download the Profile Data – UNAP and PAS 


Step 5: The Last three tabs in the downloaded spreadsheet for UNAP and PAS details allows you to update Apple Messages, Apple Keywords and Additional Phone Numbers for multiple locations


Apple Keywords 

In the Apple Keyword tab, enter the profile aliases for the profiles you wish to update, in the columns to the right you will be able to update keywords, the type of keyword, and the importance of the keyword.