What are ‘Activities’ in the Local Listing Status tab? How are these Activities logged?

Your local listings are doing well, and you are curious how Milestone Local is managing to do so. The ‘Activities’ will help you check the various behind the scenes tasks that Milestone has been performing to ensure that your listings are always correct and updated, across various directories.

Activities’ count on Listing Status by Location screen

You can find the count of all activities performed for a given date range for each of the profiles. For example, between 21st – 27th November, 15 activities were performed by Milestone Presence Cloud for ensuring UNAP consistency and updates of other fields for Elite Hotel Boston. Now, if you wish to look deeper into what activities had been performed, click on the activities count for the corresponding profile:

On clicking the Activities count, the Activity Report screen opens displaying a list of all activities performed date-wise within the given date range:

Activity Report Screen

So, a successful UNAL update was performed on 28th November for Yelp directory for the profile. You can even click on the corresponding Partner Listing ‘View’ option to view the actual listing. Some of the common activities are:


What it means

UNAP update successful

Correct UNAP has been pushed to the directory

Inconsistency in phone found

Presence Cloud has identified a phone number inconsistency & pushed a fix

Inconsistency in address found

Presence Cloud has identified an address inconsistency & pushed a fix

Inconsistency in name found

Presence Cloud has identified a name inconsistency & pushed a fix

Inconsistency in URL found

Presence Cloud has identified a URL inconsistency & pushed a fix

Zip code update submitted

An address’s zip code value has been submitted to directory