Profile User Tab

On the ‘User’ tab, you will see the users that have been mapped to the business profile. A profile can be managed by multiple users. The list shows the number of business users assigned to the profile.

Click on a user and you will be re-directed to a user setting. Here you will see user information such as – agency user or not, business that the user is mapped to, name, MPC and CMS role, and whether the user is active.

To add a new user, click on ‘Add User’. Enter the details of the user and send the invite to the user.

Note: Any user can add another user provided that the role assigned is equivalent or below. For example, if a user with a contributor role is adding a new user, the role assigned to the user can be of a contributor or below such as content writer, reader, etc., and not an administrator. 

By clicking on the 3 dots next to ‘Add User’, users can assign a profile to the chosen user, deactivate the user, bulk assign profiles to the user and download the bulk assign profiles file.

Note: When bulk assigning a profile, always download the sample file and enter the details as on the sample sheet prior to uploading the file to avoid errors.

Click on ‘Save’ if any changes were made to the user.

On the alert tab, the user can set up alerts for different actions. E.g. If a new review has been received by the business profile. The user has to select the source, frequency, type of alert and click on save to receive periodic alerts via email.